kingdom alert! CAN GOD VOUCH FOR YOU?

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I remember one day during my bible study; the study was on Job. I was certainly amazed of how God was telling the devil about a certain man- his ways and his heart for God.
I stopped to think that moment... Itunu! What does God think about you?

It has been over 3 months after the study on Job yet that question still resonates in my spirit. It would and should continue to resonate in my spirit...hehe!
Look at how God describes Job.
Job 1 verse 8. God said to Satan, “Have you noticed my friend Job? There’s no one quite like him—honest and true to his word, totally devoted to God and hating evil.”

If you study this chapter very well, God was boasting about Job. Remember how our parents talk to their friends about us; their children- how amazing we are at school work, or how we were the best at the school play or musical.
That is exactly what God was doing here!
Brings me to the topic.... can God vouch for you? for me?
The devil tries to tempt God's children all the time, either based on our weakness or life circumstances.
Can God boldly say I KNOW Mary can't ever drink even though tempted or persuaded by her friends.
Are our weakness(sinful habits) so overwhelming we cannot even vouch for ourselves, how much more God, lol!
The grace of God is not just available to forgive our sins but to prevent us from falling constantly into sin.

We all have/have had struggles but the grace of God and the power of salvation is available to deliver us.

I celebrate you all

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