Saturday, December 21, 2013

In the last post, we discussed on how sometimes men and women have challenges in properly communicating and what causes that challenge.
Here are some more scenarios on how and why communication gap comes about and how it can be bridged.When a woman says,' You don't love me anymore"
She means, I am feeling unloved.
The man interprets- I am not a good lover/husband, there is probably someone else showing you more love outside. I am an incompetent lover. The man hears this and starts to think of recent acts of love he has shown to his partner and he concludes that she is ungrateful. He sees the statement as an evaluation of his love and commitment.

When a woman says, " You don't help me around the house"
She means, I am a bit tired, i would like you to help me more also show appreciation when i clean up after you or do your laundry.
A amn is likely to hear- I am lazy, untidy and irresponsible. My efforst to help are not recognized. What about helping out financially, DOESNT THAT COUNT!

A woman says,' You dont share any issue with tme
She means, I wish we would talk more and make more plans together. I do not want to feel left out of anything.
The man hears/interprets; i am been secretive and I am hiding things from you. I am not been a good communicator.

These slight disagreements may escalate and become heated when in the bid for the man to defend himself, the woman interprets it as his usual and regular insensitivity and unwillingness to take correction. It is important for us women to note and the guys are not excluded on this too, that we must check how our statements would be received on the other end. Ask ourselves these questions.

How would i feel if i was asked the question in this same way?
Am i speaking emotion/ego or fact?
How does my partner really feel?

For the ladies we could try, Please help me take out the trash or Darling, kindly return the stool when you are done instead of You dnt help me around the house.
Also lets talk about the plans you have for the family this month, i want to be more involved other than You don't tell me anything.

COMMUNICATION is key and we ought to get it right,keep working till its right!

Lovely week guys.

I Celebrate You!!!

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