The gift of knowledge is born out of revelation and spoken to put aright the people of God.
This gift is given by God, and cannot be gotten unless given by God, we can find this truth in these scriptures Ephesians 1:17, proverbs 2:6b, Daniel 2:21 he provides both intelligence and discernment. Amplified bible translation says He gives knowledge to those who have understanding.
The gift of knowledge enables us to ‘know’ things even if we are not told; we have clear understanding and supernatural insight. Contemporary English Version of the bible calls knowledge insight. Daniel 2:21
Knowledge is birthed from a revelation from God. Ephesians 1:17b. He gives insights on situations and enables the vessel to speak on what God is saying on any issue. Word or gift of knowledge reveals secrets using past and present situations or events.
It makes us intelligent and discerning in knowing Him personally. It makes us see clearer (spiritual vision).
The prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah had this gift.
I also want to point out something Paul said in the next chapter, chapter 13:8b-10. Saint Paul says our knowledge is fragmentary (incomplete and imperfect) but when the complete comes, it shall cancel the incompleteness, Amplified version. New King James Version says we know in part, another says knowledge is incomplete.
Therefore there is a greater and complete revelation (verse 10) New living Translation says the TIME of PERFECTION. A time where this gift (these gifts) would not be used or needed, oh I am excited at this! A period where our knowledge would be transformed into something greater, we are to anticipate this greater Glory! Paul does not speak extensively on this so it could be Heaven, I do not know, God knows!