Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sounds like a course in First year of Finishing school ,lol!
Okkkk so let me confess, I was to deliver a presentation on this same topic in church; i ended up delivering another topic so i thought to share this one here.
So ladies, get your pen and paper, ipads, tabs and LET US GET DOWN TO BUSINESS! HEHE
It is the graceful and elegant bearing in a person.
A state of balance or equilibrium.
Stability, Grace, Elegance, Calmness
The book of Esther is a perfect biblical reference to the topic.

In the past, young women went to charm school or finishing school to learn how to sit, stand, walk and even dance.  

All princesses had a "Deportment" trainer in all aspects of social graces. Just like in the movie The Princess Dairies, did you watch that?
This trainer has existed since a long time ago, even during Biblical times. We can see its existence from the book of Esther in the Bible.

Over confidence equals poise
All stylish individuals are poised.
I can develop it in a day.
Oh they are born with it!
Poise; just like any other human trait can be developed.

Our goal is to communicate composure, dignity, respect and graceful movement through poise.
Here are some basic tips on how to develop poise.
Dress Your Best
This is to always give yourself confidence that you already look great. There is a psychological effect when you do that. Your body responds to your thoughts and that influences how you feel. How you feel projects how you look!
Study the Way that You Walk
There is a misconception that ladies think a beautiful walk is the fashion-model strut, like on a runway. Get rid of the supermodel walk. It is reserved for very few occasions (like if you're a fashion model working the runway), and there's no place for it in your everyday walk.
To be honest with you, after so many years, I'm still working on my walk! I have made progress in correcting some bad habits. So be patient with yourself.

      Videotape yourself/practice with your mirror.
      Exercise for Poise and Posture

      Keep your arms to the side but don't stick your arms like glue to your sides. If your shoulders are hunched upwards, that's too close.
       Never rush or be in a hurry.
      Smile much but laugh softly
      Watch Your Hands - Do Not Touch Or Fidget
Some of us have problems keeping our hands to ourselves. The problem of fidgety hands and wanting to touch everything signifies an internal problem of being 'unable to relax'. If you want to develop poise, train yourself to keep them relaxed and do yourself. Don't be digging into your purse, looking at your phone every 30 seconds, touching your face, hair. It is good to practice restraint.
      Have A Deep Respect Of Others and Things Around You


Picking on a scab/pimple.
Picking your nose.
Slapping the back of someone when she laughs or by clapping her hands together in a loud sound.
Sluggish walking by dragging her feet
Swinging her arms like a marching soldier.
Wiping their teeth with their tongue.
Resting your head or chin on your hands and elbows.
Leaning on the walls of lift, counters etc.
Putting a finger in her mouth to get rid of food.
Scratching and/or fidgeting
Pulling up her bra straps
Examining her teeth in her compact mirror in a public place other than the bathroom
Putting make up in public (other than a quick dash of lipstick after meals)
Staring into space
Keeping her mouth slightly open
Biting her fingernails
Sitting with her legs apart
Underwear exposed (or bottom)
Bending over and locking your knees instead of being your knees to pick up something
Combing her hair or fiddling with her hair in a public place.
Talking loudly
Stirring her coffee or tea with a tea spoon loudly
Lying on the floor


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  1. Hahaha. Lwkmd. I'm guilty of some of these Itunu. Thanks for the heads up! Have a fab week ahead.

    1. LOL! have a great week.
      thanks for stopping by :)


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