Hello people, how are you doing?
It has been a while I did a post on love/relationships and the likes. *giggles*
I remember my friend's reaction when I told him I was going to do this post.
It was something like this
Lol! I guess you probably have the same expression.
I personally enjoy sex related topics, yes sister Itunu does too! The deal is just to keep it in the right context.
Pleaseeeeeeee o! Everything here is for the context of marriage. I believe in the bible principle of staying pure(sexually inactive) till marriage, so if you are not married like myself, please read, keep knowledge and practical exercise *winks* till after marriage.
Hebrews 13:4
Hebrews 13:4
"Marriage is honorable in every way, so husbands and wives should be faithful to each other. God will judge those who commit sexual sins, especially those who commit adultery"
Now with that relevant information in mind, LET'S TALK!
Should married couples engage in oral sex? especially Christians!
The Bible approach.
The bible does not give a direct response or rebuke to this; as there is no place in the bible that says...Hey! let not your mouth be found in their partner's privates!
It does not also give a direct go ahead, like say....Oh yea children of Israel, thou shall fix thy attention unto the sensitive parts of thy spouse; wherein thou shalt receive pleasure!
So what do we do?
Let us check out Proverbs 5:19 which says, "Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight. Be intoxicated always with her love"
In the normal order, breasts are used to nurture and feed a newly born baby. YES! That is the normal order, lol!
This scripture however describes the breasts as a sexual organ. So like the buttocks and lips which are not even mentioned here, they are sexual organs.
Hello brother, please how exactly do her(YOUR WIFE) breasts fill you or like some bible translations say 'SATISFY YOU'
It may not be directly stated but I believe not just your hands are at work here, the mouth may be too. Yes? No?
EHHHHHHHHHH! Miss rhedruby please stop twisting the bible o! *you say*
But really if the bible recognizes the desire of a man to consume their partner's body so maybe, just maybe it might not be ideal to condemn it out rightly.
The hands and lips are not anatomical the same so of course I could be WRONG but I am just trying to see a big picture of God's general intent of sex in marriage which is mutual pleasure between the partners.
I could also annoy or please you by mentioning this scripture.
1st Corinthians 7:3-5
"The man should give his wife all that is her right as a married woman, and the wife should do the same for her husband: 4 for a girl who marries no longer has full right to her own body, for her husband then has his rights to it, too; and in the same way the husband no longer has full right to his own body, for it belongs also to his wife. 5 So do not refuse these rights to each other. The only exception to this rule would be the agreement of both husband and wife to refrain from the rights of marriage for a limited time, so that they can give themselves more completely to prayer. Afterwards, they should come together again so that Satan won’t be able to tempt them because of their lack of self-control"
This scripture leads me to the next points.
Harmful, unhealthy or Out of love?
Look at how the bible states that the wife/husband do not have FULL right to their bodies again. The partner has right to it too................... hmmmn ok so let us do some allocation here. The wife has 30% right to her body and the husband has 70% right to HER body and vice versa.
I still have some form of right to my body(it should not be violated by my partner even though he has maximum share interest in it)
So according to the bible, if I feel sick, hurt, irritated, disgusted, depressed, emotionally drained because I have to put my mouth somewhere in my husband's body, IT IS WRONG!
PRAISE GOD O! Someone is finally happy!
If it causes harm, degradation to your partner, it is ungodly. This could also answer the question why anal sex is not encouraged. God intends sex to be pleasurable, desirable and a fulfilling experience for the partners, anything asides that? No! Nay! Zilch!
Did you know that Oral sex could cause throat cancer?
Oral sex with 6 or more partners raises risk of throat cancer, said one study.
But rhedruby, this study does not affect us now, we are Christians, it is just one partner! Even if I had sexual relations with a billion people; I have received the life of Christ, also now married, it doesn't count! I am a new person now!
Is it done out of love?
Think to yourself.... am I out to satisfy and please my partner of just get my needs and demands met yo!
Church beliefs and doctrine
Some churches or spiritual fellowships and gatherings out rightly speak against it.
It is a sin to some, others are open to the idea.
This issue is tricky or dicey just like the one described in the epistles where some Christians felt it wrong to eat meat and others felt it was alright to eat everything because it is created by God.
I believe in doctrines but we must understand that most doctrines are man-made rules on appropriate mode of behaviour.
I do not believe too much stringent rules should be put on married couples' sexual life.
Couples should decide in love and godly maturity what works or will work for them.
*cleans sweat*
So those are my thoughts people.
Hope you enjoyed reading this.
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