Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Everyone all over the world is always expectant for the New Year. New Year resolutions, parties’ etc but as Christians we need to learn the God kind of way to enter and sustain the revival.

I learnt these principles in my spiritual house from my spiritual father and I want to share with you. Here are some of the principles.

1.       Be expectant: ‘Expectation is the mother of manifestation’, David Oyedepo. It is important not to let the negative experiences of the previous year affect your positive mindset for your tomorrow. If we do not expect or thirst, there would be nothing for God to fill, so BE EXPECTANT! Proverbs 23;18

2.       Be thankful, avoid murmuring and complaints. God hates murmuring and complaints so much. The Israelites spent years journeying in the wilderness because God wanted to remove that spirit of murmuring and complaints; a journey that should have just taken days. It’s easier to complain as humans but we must always remember the scripture Psalms 100:4 I especially love the message translation that says Enter with the password THANK YOU! There is no other way to enter into the presence of God than through thanksgiving.

3.       Fasting and prayer; this is one of my favorites. Whenever I need a new thing or I want to embark on something new I go on a fast (abstinence from food and setting aside time to pray and hear from God) it is an amazing formula that I think all Christians should adopt, it has never failed for me. Matthew 17; 21. Also a lot of churches would declare or have declared a fast, a lot of Christians do not follow church instructions on fast and that is not biblical. We are all under spiritual authority and need to submit Matthew 10;41

4.       Maximize everyday: Psalm 90: 12, proverbs 8:34. We must be accountable for each day that goes by. Days make up weeks, weeks make up months and months make up years; so we cannot over emphasize the importance of each day. This year, do not let each day run by without been accounted for.

5.       Have a vision: Having a vision would determine the kind of friends you make and the ones you keep; it would affect ones finances and spending. It gives a reason to live and increases ones drive to take on a new day. Proverbs 29;18

6.       Run with a word: Habakkuk 2:2. It is important to have a word from God to hold one to for the rest of the year. It could be a church theme or individual scripture given to one by God. Running without a word is like walking without direction. You cannot start a race without knowing THE FINISH LINE.

It is Gods wish for us all to have an amazing year and torture the kingdom of the devil, we as Christians need to follow principles of God and not enter the year empty.


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