In our last post we talked about what homosexuality is and how it is still very present in our present day as it was in the early bible days. It has so many dangerous effects and its important that we discuss this because the devil has succeeded in deceiving so many that it is the way to go/right thing to do if you feel like it.
Firstly Homosexuality goes against God’s plan of procreation, Genesis 1:28 and if encouraged, THE HUMAN RACE CAN GO INTO EXTINCTION
Also Gods intention was and would always be male and female: man and his wife. Never man and man. Homosexuals go against Gods will and plan.
Homosexuality is a sin before God and it comes with a punishment.
In 1st Corinthians 6 verses 9 and 10, the bible states that homosexuals and other sexually perverse SHALL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM, they have no place in God’s kingdom.
How to be free?
The only way to be free from any form of sin is to SUBMIT TO GOD, ACCEPT HIM, and TO ASK HIM FOR HELP. It takes grace to live above sin and homosexuality isn’t any different. God gives his grace freely as long as you genuinely ask of Him. Isaiah 1:18 and 1st John 1;9 tells us of His forgiveness power available.
If you are struggling with it as a child of God, there is forgiveness available for you too, please come out as soon as possible. Break up with your partner and explain to them what you both where doing wrong.
Also keep GODLY FRIENDS, people that you can talk to, receive Godly advice from and also people that would pray for you. Start from one person if you wish…if you need a friend I can be a friend to you!
You can mail me on tweet at me @rhedruby
I pray that God would grant us grace and mercy. Accept Jesus today and be set free!
Celebrate you!