Hoses 4;6. It is God's wish that you know and understand sex. His words includes amazing abundance of information about sex. He is also very protective about sex because he knows us, created us and the sex drive, Gen 2;7. It is important for us to know that God has the final word on any issue including sex. He created the world and is all sovereign and His word (the bible) has absolute AUTHORITY AND FINALITY.
In Deuteronomy 22;28-29 God deals with sexual intercourse between two unmarried people who mutually agree to have intercourse,In our present time they say "consenting adults". This part of scripture says the man humbles the woman, Message translation says "grabs and rapes" another says 'violates'. Sex is soo powerful it could humiliate or violate and on another hand give pleasure. Sex bonds a man and a woman as ONE flesh, Gen 2;24. As far as God is concerned you are One with whomever you have sex with.
Sex involves the body, soul, and spirit. It involves the mind, emotions, will (soul) the sexual organs (physical body) and of course the spirit since we are spirit beings.
God intends that sex should be an expression of love, a joining force, a pleasure agent and a procreation 'tool' to couples ONLY IN THE CONFINES of MARRIAGE and HOLY MATRIMONY.
Not only is premarital sex Biblically wrong, but it is dangerous. In the matter of minutes within a sexual encounter- your life can be cut short years. Sexually Transmitted Diseases are not a myth- they exist. In Africa alone, more than 17 million have died from AIDS and another 25 million are infected with the HIV virus. Not only could you possibly infect yourself, but imagine if you or your partner got pregnant and passed this incredible disease onto a child.
No one ever said it would be easy, and my suggestion to you would be to set up some boundaries. Some people have said that it all started with "making out/kissing". If that is where you start to lose control, you need to cut it short way before then.(read the previous post on kissing for more insight). This will have to be a life-changing decision, and you will not be able to do it on your own. Surround yourself with Godly friends that you can talk to, and make sure they will hold you accountable. Most importantly- talk to God! As long as you keep that communication going, He will give you strength!
Ultimately- you are a child of God, and He has given us sex as something to enjoy as husband and wife. Imagine how wonderful it will be to share all of yourself, without feeling any guilt or remorse. You also can feel better about yourself, knowing that you had enough respect for yourself, your future spouse, and God, to wait.
I recommend you read these books
1. Sex-straight talk by Sam Adeyemi
2. 60 things God says about sex by Lester Sumrall
3. I loved a girl by Walter Trobisch
4. Human reproduction and sexual behavior by C. W Lloyd